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HomeCalendarElmhurst Memorial Day Parade / 15 mi @ 11-13 mph / Kim Messina

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Elmhurst Memorial Day Parade / 15 mi @ 11-13 mph / Kim Messina

About this event

Please join me in the Elmhurst Memorial Day Parade. This year we will
meet in Lombard and ride over to the parade start. We will ride past the
Elmhurst Library meeting spot (south of the tracks, north of the library) to
pick up local Elmhurst riders. Then ride over to the parade line up start. 2 people will be needed to carry the banner, others are free to ride their bikes in circle 8 formation along the route. Afterwards we will ride back to the start. Family and friends are invited to join us! Please RSVP so I will know who will be joining us

Date and Time

Monday, May 26, 2025, 8:15 AM until 11:30 AM


Lombard: Madison Meadows Park Madison St Entrance
E Madison St & S Chase Ave
Lombard, IL  60148

Event Contact(s)

Kimberly A Messina
630-204-8945 (c)


Bike Ride: 10-12 mph

Registration Info

Registration is recommended
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Monday, May 26, 2025 at 9:00 AM

Number of People Who Will Attend

(No Fee)
Register Now
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